 Wild fires an hour from Yurok territory
 White Deerskin Dance site within the forest
 Embers remain left over after “The White Deer Skin Dance”
 Forest at the site of “The White Deer Skin Dance”
 Fisherman in the fog
 Large boulder near the mouth of the Klamath
 Yurok and sports fisherman compete for space at the mouth of the Klamath - 001
 Yurok family at the mouth of the Klamath
 Yurok fisherman bring the nets around to the shoreline
 Two young Yurok kids at the mouth of the Klamath
 Yurok fisherman James Gist
 Yurok fisherman James with his partner
 Yurok and sports fisherman compete for space at the mouth of the Klamath - 002
 Yurok fisherman returns the nets to the shoreline
 Yurok and sports fisherman compete for space at the mouth of the Klamath - 003
 Yurok and sports fisherman compete for space at the mouth of the Klamath - 004
 Caught Salmon about to be buried to cool from the sun
 Yurok families and friends at the mouth of the Klamath
 Preparing to cast nets
 Yurok fisherman James casts his net
 Caught Salmon
 Yurok boy cleans the catch
 Yurok kids at home within the RV park
 Exhausted Yurok kids, post fishing
 Young girls dressed in traditional regalia
 Traditional handicrafts
 1930’s image after a Yurok traditional dance, featuring a young Harold Blake aged 10
 Blind Polly a renowned Yurok basket weaver
 The Pacific Ocean from the Klamath
 David Gensaw, Vice Chairman of the Yurok Tribal Council
 Traditional sweat houses and dance pit
 Yurok Territory
 An eagle soars above the river
 RV park in Klamath where a number of Yurok workers live - 001
 RV park in Klamath where a number of Yurok workers live - 002
 Kichant outside the tourism office
 Yurok Tribal Council Chamber
 Yurok lawyer, Amy Cordalis
 Tim Hayden, Natural Resources Division Leader
 The mouth of the river Klamath
 The Pacific meets the Klamath River
 Willard by the ”serenity tree” along the river
 Willard Carlson whose built a Yurok funded traditional village along the Klamath
 Dance pit at Willards place
 Salmon smoke house at Willard’s place
 Willard Carlson outside his home
 Willard Carlson at Wounded Knee in 1973
 Willard Carlson and friends confronted by the authorities for fishing the Klamath
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